
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Welcome to Pasture Living!

pas·ture: Grass-covered land where animals graze and vegetation grows.

Why did I name this blog "pasture living?"

When I think of the word "pasture," I think of a large field of fertile soil covered with healthy grass where herds of sheep and cattle peacefully graze. There is perhaps a quiet meadow nearby where the animals can drink and rest, secured in the loving hands of their shepherd. 

As the Psalmist (King David) wrote in Psalm 23:

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastureshe leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul."

As a shepherd himself, King David knew full well that most the of Promised Land that he lived in was NOT green pasture. I would think that the Promised Land would be the most fertile land on earth. But did you know that 70% of the Promised Land is desert? The shepherds have to continually seek for green pasture and creeks so their sheep can eat and drink. Despite the circumstances, King David still wrote the beautiful psalm portraying his faith and trust that God will provide. 

So What does Green Pasture mean to me?

In the busyness of my daily life, it is so easy for me to be distracted with earthly things and dwell deep into my daily routines, unfocused and without purpose. When I was searching for a name for this blog and when to launch it, I wanted it to be a reminder that I live for a sovereign God who knows what's best for me. I believe He will lead me to "green pasture" even when I am in the "desert" seasons of my life, maybe not when I want it or they way I like it to be. But I know His plans are perfect. He is alpha and omega. He is a God who provides. Green pasture for me means being content in the circumstances I am in. It means trusting God for His provisions. It means being positive in what seems like an impossible situation. It means believing that He knows what's best for us because He sees the big picture, and we don't (Oh, I still have so much to learn in these areas!). And I choose to launch my blog today on Easter (31-3-13) as a reminder that I serve a living God, holy, loving, and just. He has risen! 

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds my future, and life is worth the living just because He lives!" - Bill Gaither

May this journey of learning be a reminder of God's faithfulness and grace. May God grants us the wisdom to discern to do things that pleases Him as we try to live a purpose-driven life.

Update Dec'13: My definition of "green pasture" has somewhat changed after I came back from a two-week Bible study tour in Israel. Walking in the desert of Israel made me appreciate all the things that I have and have taken for granted. Life in the desert is hard, but it was where the Israelites experienced firsthand God's love, protection, and provisions. Sure, to have green grass, waterfalls, lush and fertile land is nice, but the desert is where the true "green pasture" is and that's where I want to be.

What does "pasture" means to you? What do you do when you think that "the grass is greener on the other side?"


  1. Oh yayyy congratulations, Vicky, on your blog!!! Great purpose, very sincere and so humble. When I think about green grass, I love to believe that the grass is greener where you water it. :-)

    May your blog bless many just as it has blessed you so far. Cheers for the new journey!!!

  2. Thank you, Yanny, and welcome!

  3. I feel warm when I read this. Our God keep watching over us. As He is our Shepherd, glorious God,and mighty King.
    Trusting God, in our daily life.
    Thank you vicky!

  4. i love love the name of the blog :D very fitting! andd: "the grass is greener when you water it! not on the other side" :p
