
Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Had Loved You Before I Met You

Dear Elin, 

We longed for you many months before you were conceived. And when "that time of the month" didn't come, our hearts raced and beat so fast at the thought of you. We had to wait for three weeks before we could find out for sure because we were at the beginning of our vacation in Spain. Throughout the weeks, the constant smell and sight of jamon hiberico all over town made Mommy nauseous but it made us think of you, little sweetheart. The moment we came back home, you were tested positive and we were overjoyed with gladness. And we were given your very first photo by the doctor and we couldn't stop smiling at you. You were just a tiny being (2 cm long) in Mommy's tummy, but you made us overflow with love.

At 8 weeks
At our check up the following month, we began to see your body forming. Your head, nose, mouth, arm, and legs started to show and were so amazed at your beauty.

At 12 weeks

Then it was the moment we were waiting for - to know your gender. We found out you're a girl! And oh, look at your spine. It was forming ever so lovely. You will be strong and a supporter for those in need.

At 16 weeks

Five weeks later, we saw your footprint. The five little toes on your right foot. We hope you will grow up knowing that God's word is a lamp for your feet and a light on your path (Psalm 119:105).

At 21 weeks
Mommy still vividly remembers feeling your first kick the day before we saw your footprint. It was your uncle's birthday on July 20 and we were moving furniture from someone's house to ours. Mommy had not eaten all day and we think you were telling her that you were hungry by kicking. 

Then at 33 weeks, we were able to see your lungs, liver, bladder, stomach, and heart. We pray that you will keep your heart pure and honor God with your body as it is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
At 33 weeks

A month later, we finally saw your face. We couldn't help but say "Hi" to you as we walked home from the clinic.

At 37 weeks

We had loved you long before we met you and we love you even more now that we've met you. We thank God for allowing you to be in our care. Welcome to this world, sweet child.

Now we understand how we can love you so much.. because God has loved us first.

"We love because he first loved us." - 1 John 4:19



  1. This brought a tear to my eye. What a wonderful testimony of God's love! Also an amazing testimony for life. Congratulations. Your new tiny one is blessed, blessed, blessed.

    1. Hi Daisy, thank you for your kind words and for stopping by.
