To jump start this blog, I will be doing a series on "Fats." I'm excited to begin this journey learning about fats because it's everyone's favorite topic and one that is highly controversial. Let's begin.
We have been learning about the different types of fats, the good and the bad, and why eating healthy fats are important for our health. If you didn't get a chance to read the previous posts, do take a look at this excellent 18-minute video. It may just be one of the best things you learn today.
If you are into reading and would like to learn more about this topic, this book Eat Fat, Lose Fat: The Healthy Alternative to Trans Fats
You can read about the different posts on this series here:
Modern View of Fats: Introduction
Types of Fats
The Right and Wrong Kinds of Fats
Why Do We Need to Eat the Right Kinds of Fats
How Harmful is Cholesterol?
My family has now replaced our cooking oil with coconut oil. We also no longer use margarine and have reduced our consumption of processed foods to avoid trans fats. What is hard for me to stop using is processed sauces especially for cooking. I hope in time as I learn more about nutrition, I can find healthier alternatives to these sauces.
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
What types of fatty foods are the hardest for you to give up?
Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link.
Thank you for sharing, sister! We have switch to coconut oil and organic milk too thanks to you. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Ci!
DeleteYayyy to coconut oil too from our house. We have used coconut oil too since I was pregnant with Ravel. Our childbirth teacher recommended that in my diet to help us increase the chance of having a natural delivery. Also we've used coconut oil as Ravel's diaper rash cream since we've been cloth diapering him since he was 2 weeks old. Other stuff we use coconut oil besides cooking is in baking. Love the smell of coconut choco chips. Although they're gone before I get to eat them. Thanks to Papah Cel. Lol.
ReplyDeleteYes we use coconut oil for everything. Can you share your coconut choco chips recipe please :)