
Monday, December 15, 2014

Elin's Third Birthday

How time flies! My baby is now three years old. I thank Thee for another year of blessings and giving me the previlige to raise, take care, and love her as my daughter.

This year is the first year Elin understands birthdays and looks forward to her birthday, one of the last among her friends. When the day finally comes and we wished her happy birthday, I could see the pure happiness on her face as she danced away in her dress, the look of anticipation as she was about to blow the candle, and her joy in being surrounded by family and friends. I prepared goodie bags for her little friends and she kept telling me that she wanted to give them to them herself, but she doesn't even seem to notice or be consumed by the gifts she received. Oh, the innocence of a little child. Their love of simplicity and a heart of giving (than receiving) humbles my heart.

On her actual birthday, we had dinner with my family.

My sister and I made her fondant cake again this time using the same foams that I used to make her first and second birthday cakes. 

The next day, I hosted a bridal shower at home and after it was done, I changed the "bridal shower" banner to "happy birthday," replace a few things on the table, and we celebrated her birthday again with her lovely aunties. It was a quick one that involves around 20 rounds of singing "happy birthday Elin" to which she kept on asking for more.

As if two celebrations are not enough, we had another birthday session the following day at her sunday school class with all her little friends. Many candles this time, so all the kids can blow them.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." - Matthew 5:8

Happy birthday my dear Elin. May you grow up to be wise, gentle in spirit, and abundant in love.

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