
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Treasuring Her Littleness

It's good to be back home after an extended break in the US. We spent quite a bit of time in the woods where there was limited internet access. It was refreshing to get away from life's daily distractions, especially from media and gadgets. I started noticing things that I otherwise would not, especially the little things. We talked more. We played more. We cooked more and enjoyed seeing my family finished all the food so eagerly. I noticed the little sweet things that my husband did for us, like carrying our luggage in and out and driving long distances across the country while all of us slept in the car. We were outdoors more and we saw more. If it was just otherwise a regular sunset, this time we were able to admire how beautiful sunset was. We breathed life. 

I especially noticed my daughter's precious littleness. I am a stay at home mom and I have all the time in the world with her. But that is not usually the case at home when I'm in front of the computer or holding my phone all day long. I spend very little time with her and always wondered where time goes (sadly, to media of course). Her chuckles, her silly poses and acts, her compassionate expressions, and her curiosity for all things. I held her little hands more often, instead of typing away on my phone. I played with her more instead of blogging away. We laughed more. I kissed her, tickled her, chased her, splashed water at each other, picnicking by the river, and saw how mesmerized a little kid could be with just a bunch of rocks. 

So I'm back now, determined, to treasure her littleness, because I know she will grow up one day (so very soon) and she won't be this little anymore. There is so much truth to this verse:

"He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them." - Mark 10:14-16

The sincerity of hearts and the laughter of little children are so pure, I always have something to learn from them. So I want to try to:

Hold her hands when I walk

Look at her when we talk
Say less of "no, later"
Say "yes" more often (because many times I say no to her because I'm either busy on the computer or phone or it's inconvenient for me).
Let her get out more often and play (even though I like being at home)

Maybe that means I will blog less and not reply to messages immediately. As much as I like to write and keep this blog alive, I have to keep my priorities in order - to be keepers of my family first then the other things will follow.

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