
Friday, June 6, 2014

Natural Remedies for Common Illnesses

As parents, we try to give our children the best in all aspects of life, including giving them nutritious food and avoiding toxic ingredients that are harmful for their health. I started learning about healthy and natural living after my baby was born. Motherhood changed me for the better. But as much as I try to be on top of things regarding their health, common illnesses that plaque so many children today are just unavoidable. Treating these ailments naturally, like common cough and cold, is great but, sometimes, modern medicine plays a role in healing as well! For the longest time, I avoided conventional fever medicines on my toddler until one day she had fits and had to be hospitalized. And I promised never again would I succumbed myself to be "only natural" at the expense of someone else's life! Sure, it was heartbreaking to see my little one got pumped up with antibiotics and other medicines but I was just glad that medicine was there to help when necessary. When it's not necessary though, then natural is definitely always best!

Here is a summary of my previous posts as to how to treat these common illnesses naturally. It is a guide to help you learn about the different ways the "fruits of this earth" that God has created can help with healing: 

Treating Diarrhea Naturally

Treating Cold Naturally

Treating Cough Naturally

Treating Fever Naturally

Treating Ear Infection Naturally

Healing Eczema Naturally

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." - Proverbs 17:22

Disclaimer: I am not a certified or a licensed medical practitioner who can counsel anyone in medical issues and cannot be held responsible for any decision you make regarding your health. This compilation is based on my own research and other people's testimonials. What works for them may not work for everyone and I encourage you to do further research or ask your doctors whenever you're in doubt.


  1. Thank you. I needed to read this. I have a son with autistic tendencies and we have hard time with his diet.
