
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Elin's Second Birthday

Our Elin is now two. How time flies! We were so fortunate to be able to celebrate her second birthday with our close family and friends last December. I grew up in a family who celebrates birthdays each year and I am thankful that my parents did so because the memories, the photos, the gathering of family and friends are sweet and priceless. It's just a reflection of God's gift of fellowship. It's not only about the decorations or the cake or the food, it's a day about sharing how God has continually and faithfully provided and cared for us through another year.

Thankful for:

Bringing Elin up another year healthy and well.

My husband for believing in me as I take on this role of being a mother.

My family who came from Jakarta to celebrate with us. My sisters and brothers all joined forces to make the desserts. Thank you!

A dear friend who prayed for us.

A sister-in-Christ who went out of her way to make an interactive and engaging story-telling about the birth of Jesus to a crowd of toddlers. This was the highlight of the party. 

Friends who support, encourage, and love us as we travel this road of parenthood.

Another chance to make Elin's birthday cake. See here for Elin's first birthday cake. I re-used the foams from last year to make this cake. Another great way to re-use and re-purpose.

Last but not least, for our little girl, who has given us much joy and made us appreciate our parents and realize God's love ever more deeply.

Bubble time with the kids

"Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!" - 2 Corinthians 9:15

1 comment:

  1. i wish i was there!!!!!!!!! :D great job mommy vicky! lucky ilin ;)
