
Friday, September 20, 2013

The Healthiest Bakery I Found in Singapore So Far

I love eating bread with jams. I used to eat them everyday, but I have cut down significantly since I started this journey of healthy living, just because I don't know of any place in Singapore that sells healthy bread and baked goods. Most conventional breads are made of refined flour, grain, and sugar and many use high fructose corn syrup, margarine, trans fat, artificial colorings and flavorings, preservatives, additives, and GMO ingredients. Yes, I still eat conventional bread and cakes occasionally, but just not to the extent that I used to. If I used to eat a few slices of breads/cakes at one go, now I just eat one slice. When I buy conventional bread, I choose wholemeal over white bread (although conventional wholemeal bread is not 100% wholemeal). I choose organic jams and try to eat my bread with grass-fed butter instead of margarine. I can't completely avoid the junk, but I try to minimize them the best I can.

Just a week ago I came across a bakery that sells healthy bread and baked goods in Singapore. It is called Bud of Joy. Upon reading what's on their site, I was delighted to know that their philosophy of "healthy" is in line with mine, i.e. sprouting/soaking our grains, using wholesome grains, natural sweeteners, natural salt, and no artificial or unnatural ingredients. If you think that it is impossible to eat 100% wholemeal bread because the bread will be hard in texture, then you will be in for a pleasant surprise. They have mastered the skill to make 100% wholemeal bread soft enough that I don't mind eating everyday, especially the fact that I know all the ingredients that go into them. I was so delighted to find out that in many of their baked goods they use coconut oil, organic eggs, butter, and milk. Not only are the butter and milk organic, they are grass-fed! If you've been following my blog long enough, you may know that grass-fed products are best nutritionally. They use milk and butter from B.-d. Farm Paris Creek, which I personally use at home as well. 

For example, their 100% wholemeal bread are made of:

- Certified organic stoneground wholemeal flour
- Filtered water
- Certified organic raw honey
- Certified organic coconut oil
- Yeast
- Himalayan rock salt

Yes, they are not as soft as conventional bread, but I will choose Bud of Joy's bread over any other bread anytime.

You can find a variety of healthy breads, cupcakes, chiffon cakes, cookies, homemade muesli, granola bars, kaya spread, and nut butters, which they make fresh at their bakery from scratch. 100% wholemeal/sourdough bread and their homemade nut butters will make very healthy, high fat (good fat) breakfast, which is what I've been eating the past few days (yum!). Even the colored frosting of their cakes and cupcakes are of natural food, such as organic beetroot! 

They have a section in their store where you can buy selected organic products such as organic jams, wholesome grains and seeds, sauerkraut, healthy oils, etc. They even sell fresh whole young coconut with the outer skin still intact (green outer layer), unlike those sold in the supermarket, where the skin has been cut off and often bleached to prevent oxidation (white outer layer). Coconut is very good for us and it makes a very refreshing drink in Singapore's hot and humid weather. Reminds me of my Bangkok trip, where we drank coconut water every single day!

You can tell I am very excited about this bakery. I do. Because I finally found a place where I can buy bread without worrying about many of the ingredients and how they may affect my health. Sure they cost more than the average baked goods, but I really don't mind it, because I know the cost of organic ingredients in Singapore is high and I know exactly what my bread is made of. It really gives me a peace of mind.

Click here for my interviews with Bud of Joy.

Where to buy their wholesome 100% organic, wholemeal bread and other baked goods in Singapore?

In their store (or by ordering online)

Visit their facebook page for Bud of Joy's latest baked goods treats!

Is there any other place in Singapore that you know of that sells healthy bread and baked goods?

Disclaimer: I'm not an affiliate of Bud of Joy and this post is not sponsored by them. All opinions are of my own.

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