
Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy 5th Year Wedding Anniversary

Nine years ago, I was introduced to someone that I would otherwise never meet. Four years later, I was the lucky girl that became his wife. And five years later, today, marks my fifth year wedding anniversary with him. I am one blessed woman! 

I love the quote that my friend, Yanny, wrote: "The early stages of romance do not compare to the security of a committed relationship. Marital love may not always burn with the heat and passion of that first stage of romantic love; however, it also does not burn out easily. The consistent warmth it provides is there on the coldest days and darkest nights." 

I find it very true. As the years go by, I feel more and more secure with our marriage. Little things that used to bother me don't bother me anymore because I've come to know my husband inside out. I respect and trust him with all my heart. And I'm proud of him. 

He understands and applies the Word of God. He knows his role as a husband.   He does his job well, never even once complains about his job, and always comes home smiling, even after a long day at work. The security he provides in this area is another one of the things I'm so thankful for.

We are different in many ways, but with God at the center of our marriage, everything else is work-able. We build many memories together through traveling, eating out, biking, and even grocery shopping together. Yes, we love grocery shopping together, especially lately when we started venturing out to learning and searching for real food, trying different brands of pastured foods, and looking at food labels more closely. I'm glad that God gives me a passion for cooking and learning about food and healthy living, because this is one area that we are both very passionate about and it sparks many conversations between us both. We also love to travel and I've been so fortunate to be able to experience God's creations through traveling to so many places with my husband. Thank you, E, for opening my eyes to the world. Can you believe we've been to all these places together?

Happy 5-year wedding anniversary, E! I can't wait to see what the next five years (times five) will bring!

Love, V.

"Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find? The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him." - Proverbs 20:6-7


  1. Love U!

    Oh I didn't know you made this map which tracks all the places we've visited. Very cool!
