
Monday, June 24, 2013

Don't Forget To Remember

If I forget to remember the pain of suffering,
I'd miss appreciating God's faithfulness in my life.
If I forget to remember the sorrow of loneliness,
I'd miss that God's grace is sufficient for thee.
If I forget to remember to show compassion to the less fortunate,
I'd miss to understand that they are also precious in His sight.
If I forget to remember that the air we breath is God's free gift to us,
I'd miss God's mercy in our lives.
If I forget to remember that Jesus died on the cross for our sins,
I'd miss realizing that salvation is costly.
If I forget to remember that our life is already mapped out in God's hands,
I'd miss living with peace.
If I forget to remember that our health is in God's hands,
I'd miss the contentment of living in the now.
If I forget to remember the importance of sharing the gospel,
I'd miss the joy of living purposefully. 

If I forget to remember that I am the recipient of undeserved grace, I'd miss thanking God for His blessings and providence in our lives.

I don't want to forget to remember that my body is the temple of God,
So that I don't become a stumbling block to other people.

I don't want to forget to remember that God allows suffering to exist in this world,
So that God can refine us to be more like Christ.
I don't want to forget to remember the importance of our words and actions,
So that I will finish this race without regret.
I don't want to forget to remember that you and I share equal standing in God's eyes,
So that I may not boast in my strength.

I don't want to forget to remember how people have encouraged me,
So that I can be an encouragement to other people.
I don't want to forget to remember that all things work together for our good,
So that I will face life's many challenges with obedience.

I don't want to forget to remember to live life intentionally,
So that I can take part in extending His Kingdom.
I don't want to forget to remember to give more than to receive,
So that I can extend God's love to other people.

I don't want to forget to remember to love others more than myself,
So that God's name will be glorified.

"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." - Proverbs 11:25

What do you not want to forget to remember?

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