
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Shopping List for iHerb: Kitchen Essentials, Natural Medicines, and Skincare Products to Buy

I'm really happy that iHerb ships internationally to Singapore. They sell so many varieties of organic food, health supplements, skincare and natural products at a comparatively low price compared to Singapore. And their shipping fee is incredibly low! There are things that I need that are either unavailable or expensive here. If you are curious or don't know what are the things worth buying on iHerb, here is a list of things that I compile to help you start your journey of healthy and natural living. Hope you find this list useful. If you're first time customers, you can use my affiliate code RKF401 to get $5 off $20 purchase or $10 off $40 purchase.

Kitchen Essentials

Coconut Oil: A healthy oil that is good for cooking, stable for deep frying, helps you to lose weight, and keeps our skin and hair healthy.

Real Salt: Unprocessed and raw sea salt that is rich in minerals and taste good!

Sucanat: A less-processed natural sweetener that I use for cooking, baking, and making water kefir.

Organic Coconut Sugar: Another natural sugar low in GI that I use in cooking or making desserts such as palm sugar jelly.

Stevia Powder: A zero-calorie natural sweetener that is 200x sweeter than table sugar. I tried munching on fresh stevia leaves while in Desaru Fruit Farm and it is indeed sweet!

Pure Vanilla Extract: Organic Madagascar pure vanilla extract that I use for baking or flavor soaked oatmeal.

Raw Honey: Used for cooking, baking, making herbal tea, almond milk and facial.

Arrowroot Starch: It's a natural replacement for corn starch that I use for cooking.

Coconut Flour: Gluten-free flour for baking.

Quinoa: Gluten-free grain.

Steel Cut Oats: Our daily breakfast staple - soaked oatmeal.

Rye Flakes: I add this to my soaked oatmeal to reduce the anti-nutrients in the oats.

Apple Cider Vinegar: I add this to make bone broth as it draws out the nutrients from the bones, add to oatmeal, and is also good as a hair rinse.

Chia Seeds: Gluten free, high in fiber and omega-3, complete protein to boost energy, and high in antioxidants. I mix it with my homemade wheatgrass juice or coconut water.

Organic Almonds: For snacks and to make almond milk.

Organic Dates: To sweeten baked goods, almond milk, or to eat as snack. It is rich in iron. My daughter loves dates!

Cereals and Trail Mixes: Kashi is my favorite brand.

Go Raw Cookies: Great snacks for children and adults! 100% organic and made only using unsulphured coconut, sprouted seeds, and sweetened with dates. Seeds that have been sprouted are healthier and easier to digest.

Kombu Seaweed: High in iodine (good for our thyroid!) and a natural MSG to flavor soups.

Spaghetti and Pasta: This is my favorite brand of whole wheat and gluten-free pasta.

I also love Eden Foods for their organic tomato products, beans, dried fruits, and grains.

Natural Remedies and Supplements

Manuka Honey: A true superfood to boost immunity and sooth cough, sore throat, and overcome common cold.

Liquid Chlorophyll: Taking chlorophyll detoxifies our body, treats bad breath, and heals skin scars from the inside out. I take this when fresh wheatgrass is not available. 

Probiotics: Probiotics are important for our gut health. See my post here to learn more.

Dried Elderberries or Elderberry Syrup: Elderberries are high in antioxidants and an immunity booster. We take this when we're down with cough or flu. You can make you own elderberries syrup or buy ready made ones.

Echinacea: This is a potent herb that is used mostly for colds and flu due to its ability to destroy bacteria. We take this at first sign of sickness.

Colloidal SilverA natural antibiotic and an immune booster that I have on hand in case someone in the house gets infected with bacteria.

Oil of OreganoThis concentrated oil fights off viruses quickly. We take this at first sign of illness.

Activated Charcoal: We use this to treat diarrhea and can also be used to make poultice to draw out toxins from skin infections or insect bites.

Vitamin C: We drink this at first sign of illness and when we are traveling.

Iron: Iron is very important for making red blood cells. Red meat and dark green vegetables are good sources of iron, but if you are low in iron or in seasons where you need a lot more iron, e.g. during pregnancy and breastfeeding, I recommend this liquid iron. It doesn't cause nausea or constipation.

Calcium/Magnesium: Calcium and magnesium are important for developing strong bones and muscles, and magnesium has an added benefit of regulating blood sugar levels. A lack of magnesium in the body reduce vitamin D absorption, while we need vitamin D to absorb calcium well. So these are two minerals we need to ensure we get enough of.

Slippery Elm Lozenges: Lozenges to sooth sore throats.

Hyland's Kids Kit: Homeopathic remedy to treat fevers, colds, coughs, sleeplessness, and more.

Hyland's Teething Tablets: A natural remedy for teething pains in babies.

Hyland's Nighttime Cold and Cough Syrup: Children's cold and cough syrup for night time.

Natra Bio Homeophatic Cough Syrup: Children's cough syrup.

Natra Bio Homeophatic Cold and Flu Syrup: Children's cold syrup.

Essential Oils

Eucalyptus: To relieve congestion. I use it to make homemade vapor rub.

Peppermint: To relieve headaches, stomach upset, help reduce fever, and more.

Lavender: I use it to promote sleep, sooth eczema, treat insect bites, and more.

Rosemary: For healthy hair and scalp.

Tea Tree: It's anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties are great for cleaning the house. I use it in my homemade all-purpose cleaner.

Lemon and Sweet Orange: I add either ones to my homemade cleaning solutions as deodorizers and for its refreshing scent.

Lemongrass: A relaxing oil for aromatheraphy.

Citronella: To make homemade insect repellent.

Skin and Body Care

Castile Soap: A non-toxic vegetable oil based soap that I use as shampoo, facial/body soap and for making homemade foaming hand soap and floor cleaner. The baby mild castile soap is suitable for bathing babies.

Witch Hazel: A natural astringent/toner for face.

Jojoba Oil: A nourishing oil that I use for face and body moisturizer and eczema flare up.

Baobab oil: It's exceptionally moisturizing properties are designed to sooth dry skin and hair.

Sweet Almond Oil: I use this as a carrier oil for applying essential oils.

Castor Oil: To cleanse face using the oil cleansing method.

Argan Oil: I use this in combination with rosemary essential oil to massage the hair. It's one of the world's most potent beauty serums, is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, which offers better protection for skin than most oils.

Aloe Vera Gel: Calming and soothing for burnt skin, and nourishing to use as face or hair mask as it helps to regenerate new skin cells.

Bentonite Clay: I use this to make a facial mask. Bentonite clay is like a vacuum cleaner that draws out toxins from our body and skin, leaving our skin tighter and younger.

Earthpaste: The best non-fluoridated toothpaste I found that is safe to swallow and contains minerals from the bentonite clay. 

Hand Sanitizer: Easy to use, alcohol-free hand sanitizer in a spray bottle.

Sunscreen: The sun is the best source of vitamin D. You do not have to use sunscreen if you only have a limited time in the sun, but if you are out the whole day under the sun, this brand one of the safest natural sunscreen that is well-rated by the EWG website.

For babies and pregnancies: the humble coconut oil in itself is already effective in soothing itch from stretching skin, preventing stretch marks, and treating diaper rash. But if you find it too messy and would rather have something ready-made that is easy to bring and apply, I recommend Earth Mama Angel Baby products, including:

Stretch Oil

Earth Mama Angel Baby Gift Set: This makes a nice useful gift for newborn babies.

Innate Response Formula Prenatal Vitamins: These vitamins are taken from whole food sources, not synthetics, which make them more digestible and absorbable than most prenatal vitamins, and do not contain any preservatives or fillers. It is highly recommended by naturopaths.

Household Products

If you find it too troublesome to make your own homemade cleaners, try this natural household cleaners by Ecover

What other products do you love to buy on iHerb?

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fruits of the Flesh and the Spirit

One of our favorite fruits called jambu air (rose apple),
an exotic tropical fruit.

We talk a lot on this blog about living healthy, about eating pastured food, about choosing the right kinds of fats, about using natural sweeteners, and about living a natural lifestyle. It nourishes our body when we eat healthy food. But are we feeding the healthy food that our spirit needs?

"But he answered, 'It is written, "'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.''" - Matthew 4:4

The Bible explicitly says what unhealthy food for the spirit are. They are flesh desires that are contrary to the spirit. 

"For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."  - Galatians 5:17-21

And it gives us clear guidance of what we need to feed our spirit.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." - Galatians 5:22-23

We need to feed our spirit with:

Love. We are called to love God and everyone regardless of status, race, and religion.

He answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" - Luke 10:27

Joy. We are called to trust in Him and be joyful in hope.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him." - Psalm 28:7

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." - Romans 12:12

Peace. We need to make peace with other people. There can be tensions in the family, but blessed are those who are the peace-makers.

"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere." - James 3:17

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." - Matthew 5:9

Patience. We need to be patient while enduring our "crosses," because "suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 5:3-4)

"This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus. - Revelation 14:12"

Kindness. We need to be kind, to show kindness, and to teach kindness to our children by being a good example ourselves.

"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue." - Proverbs 31:26

Goodness. The Word of God is good food for our soul. Dwelling in the Word and remembering Scripture are key to a contented life.

"Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." - Psalm 23:6

Faithfulness. We are called to be faithful and be good stewards of all the resources God has blessed us with. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. (Luke 12:14)

"One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?" - Luke 16:10

Gentleness. We are called to be gentle towards one another.

"Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness." - 1 Timothy 6:11b

"To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people." - Titus 3:2

Self-Control. Being a mom, this is an area that is very hard. Toddler tantrums can make you lose control and you end up doing something that you will regret later on. Self-control is something that God is teaching me a lot lately.

"A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.." - Proverbs 25:28

It is pleasing to God when we take care of our body, but there are more to life than just our physical beings. We may be happy, but we have no joy. We may be full, but never satisfied. We may be rich, but no contentment. We may be surrounded by many people, but still feel lonely (link). Life can end just like that, without notice. But when we give our life to God, He will take care of us and satisfy our hunger and thirst. 

What fruits of the Spirit is easiest and hardest for you?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Introduction to Water Kefir, Milk Kefir, and How to Make Them

Fermenting water kefir grains

I have heard about water kefir for the longest time but I've always been intimidated to make it. Little did I know that it is so easy to make and requires very minimal maintenance. My family has been enjoying this natural probiotic drink for about a month now and I love knowing that we get our daily probiotic dose to improve our digestion and gut health. Even my two year old loves it and asks me for her portion daily. I think she is hooked!

What is Water Kefir?

Water kefir is a natural probiotic drink made with water kefir grains (good bacteria), sugar, and water. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are important for our digestion and gut health. It is rich in vitamins such as vitamins A, B2, B12, D, and K, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, enzymes and amino acids such tryptophan - all that are important for a healthy nervous system and calming the nerves.

Water kefir

How does Water Kefir Taste Like?

Water kefir is a fermented drink that is slightly carbonated. It is fermented for 24 - 48 hours, producing lactic acid, alcohol (ethanol), and carbon dioxide. The alcohol content is very low, about 1-2%. As the grains feed on sugar, the longer you ferment it, the less sweet it (and more carbonated) becomes. I ferment mine for 36 hours because I don't want it too sweet or overly carbonated. For those who like sodas, water kefir is a natural fizzy drink alternative without the added sugars and preservatives. And those who are lactose intolerant can have this beverage and get the living probiotics in their diet. 

There are ways to flavor water kefir and to increase its mineral content but for this introduction purposes, I will keep it simple. You can read more about water kefir here and here.

How to Make Water Kefir?

Making water kefir is very easy. It is also very cheap to make compared to buying ready-made probiotic drinks or probiotic supplements. Let's get started!

Water kefir grains

1. Get your water kefir grains. There are many places online where you can buy water kefir grains, but the easiest is to find someone in your area who makes water kefir. The grains multiply as it is fermented so overtime they will be extras. If you are in Singapore, contact me for the grains. I can share my extras when they are available. They are free, of course! First come first serve. 

2. Prepare the following tools: 

- Big glass jar (I get my 1.5 liter glass jar from iSetan for $4.50)
- Plastic spoon
- Plastic bowl
- Plastic strainer/colander
- Long non-metal spoon
- Dried apricots

3. Recipe (to fit a 1.5 liter glass jar):

- 1.2 liter distilled or mineral water
- 2 pieces of organic dried apricot (available in organic stores)
- 5 tbsp of sucanat (available on iHerb and organic stores)
- 8 tbsp of water kefir grains


Put everything together in the glass jar and stir with a long non-metal spoon. There will be 1-2 inches of space left in the jar. Don't fill to the max. The grains grow and it will overflow if it is too full. Cover the glass with a breathable cloth or tissue and tie it with a rubber band. Place the bottle on the table counter, away from direct sunlight. Let it ferment for 24-48 hours. Once it's done, strain out the grains by placing a plastic strainer over a bowl and pour the water kefir through it. Throw away the apricots. Refrigerate water kefir and enjoy the drink cold. Repeat the process to a make a new batch.

Fermenting milk kefir and water kefir

Straining water kefir grains

A note on:

Water - Only use distilled or mineral water. Do not use tap or boiled water as it can still contain chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine which can damage the grains.

Sugar - I use sucanat because it is less processed and contains more minerals than refined sugar. More nutrients also become available in the resulting beverage when you use natural, unrefined sugar.

Tools - Never use metal utensils or bowls. Metals are reactive and the grains do not like it.

StorageExtra grains can be stored in sugar water in the fridge. Replace the sugar water once a week. For long term storage, you can freeze the grains. You can also eat the grains! It sounds disgusting but they don't really taste like anything.

Damaged grains - If your grains don't multiply or shrink, this is a good site to learn on how to repair damaged grains.

How to Make Milk Kefir?

Milk kefir grains

Making milk kefir is even easier than making water kefir. All you need is milk kefir grains and fresh whole (mammal) milk. It doesn't work well with UHT milk because it is so devoid of the naturally-occurring bacteria and yeasts as they are destroyed through the heating process. Notice the layer of fat forming on top of the milk kefir in the picture below. I used grass fed, non-homogenized cow's milk for this. Grass-fed full fat milk kefir for maximal nutrition! Soy or nut milk is also not suitable. Milk kefir is similar to yogurt and is rich is probiotics and other health benefits. I love that I can make my own "yogurt" at home anytime!

Bubbles forming in milk kefir means it's ready.

Directions: Add two tablespoons of milk kefir grains to a cup of fresh milk and let it ferment at room temperature for about a day. It will be ready when you see bubbles forming in the jar, has a consistency like sour cream, and smells sour like buttermilk. The longer you ferment it, the more sour it becomes. Run it through a plastic strainer and refrigerate. Add honey or fruits to taste.

Milk kefir and berries smoothie

What do I do with milk kefir other than consuming it internally? I use it as a face and hair mask! This cooling mask rejuvenates our skin, reduces skin inflammation, and helps to balance our skin's pH level, making our skin healthier and youthful. It nourishes our skin naturally without all the chemicals and preservatives that come with store-bought masks.

My milk kefir grains don't multiply nearly as much as my water kefir grains, but if you are interested, let me know, and I'll reach out to you when I have extras.

Have you tried making water kefir and milk kefir? Would you like to try making some?

Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Healing Power and 10 Uses of Lavender Essential Oil

Photo by Samuel Santoso

I noticed there were rashes on my daughter's bottom that were pink and itchy just when we were about to go to the airport. Oh, what a perfect timing I thought. Just about when we were going out of town and I didn't have time to bring her to the doctor. I remembered a friend telling me that lavender essential oil is her to-go remedy for all sorts of skin issues and although I've not had a chance to use it myself (except diffusing it), I thought I'd just bring it and give it a try (since I didn't have much choice). Miraculously, her rashes disappeared after a few days of applying it, in addition to the calendula cream from Four Cow Farm to sooth her bum. Another time, her "private part" was also pink and she complained of pain around the area, so I applied the lavender oil again and amazingly, it got better after a few days as well. So what is it about lavender essential oil that is so powerful?

Healing Power of Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has a long history of use and continues to be one of the most used essential oil in the world as a natural remedy, for beauty, and in food. Its versatility, effectiveness, and safety rating is well known that it is described as "an angel of healing from the floral realm, and an expression of the earth's compassion."

Uses of Lavender Essential Oil

1. Alleviate headaches. Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil in a bowl of hot water and inhale the vapors.

2. Promote good sleep. Diffuse a few drops in a diffuser and enjoy the calming and relaxing effects of this oil. This is also effective to calm hyperactivity and irritability in children and promote deep rest for those suffering from insomnia.

3. Treat minor cuts, burns, infections, and skin irritation. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil and apply onto skin. Lavender oil has antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. It's also helpful in healing acne scars and treating ear infections.

4. Relieve eczema. My daughter has eczema and I've used other ways to relieve her itch but I'm glad to find another natural remedy for it.

5. Treat diaper rash. Mix a few drops of oil with a carrier oil and apply to affected area.

6. Relieve muscle aches. Put a few drops in a warm bath and it will help to relieve tension and relax the muscles.

7. Makes a great natural air freshener. Add a few drops in your homemade potpourri.

8. Keep insects and moths away. Hang lavender potpourri in a mesh bag and put it in between clothes hangers and areas of the house. Little insects do not like the smell of lavender. This oil is also excellent to treat insect bites.

9. Freshen the laundry and wardrobe. Add a few drops of oil to a small piece of cloth as use it as a dryer sheet. Add a couple drops to a cotton ball and place it in the wardrobe or drawer for a fresh scent.

10. Make homemade cleaning solutions. Mix a few drops in your natural cleaning solutions and clean away.

I'm using this lavender essential oil and I'm happy with it so far.

Do you have experiences with lavender essential oils? How do you use it?

Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How Comparison Kills

I can't explain better than this article how sin of comparison destroys us. Too often without even realizing it, I am already comparing myself to someone else or my daughter to her peers her age every single day. And it takes no time to feel bad about myself from comparing. Why am I less successful? Why is she more popular? Why is my daughter smaller compared to her peers? Why isn't she eating? And on and on. One day, a good friend told me to stop comparing my daughter to other children and I suddenly realized the damage that I've been doing to myself and her. What is the point of comparing ourselves to others? Why do we do so so naturally and unconsciously? Our selfish nature wants more success, power, fame, money, beauty, intelligence, and jealousy creeps up the door to our hearts like a thief. And it crushes, destroys, and kills us slowly and painfully. I'm glad I came across this article because it reminds me that God created us the way we are with intention and we are dishonoring God when we compare ourselves with other people. And the writer suggests that instead of being envious about what other people have, we can use this opportunity to glorify God by building up and edifying that person through sincere compliments and praises.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17

A few days ago, I read a letter written by my friend's husband (Ruth's husband, Melvin) to her daughter Elizabeth and I am humbled by their wisdom. Here is the letter:

"Dear Elizabeth

For over a year, I've cultivated a discipline that resists the parenting tendencies I've observed and heard of, ever since I myself was a child... I kept myself from tracking your growth and development, down to the day and week; and then comparing those milestones with someone else's child, or an imagined norm.

It has generally been easy.

I don't know your exact weight - because you're eating well, and you're healthy. I'm not going to coerce you to eat more just because you seem smaller than most other babies your age.

I don't even remember the month in which you took your first step - because I was there the moment it happened, and I remembered everything else vividly except for the time on the clock and the date on the calendar. I'm not going to indulge in any speculative conversation about your comparative athletic potential based on the day you took that first step.

I don't even know how to identify any musical talent in you, and compare with the toddlers I see in the music school I walk past every week.

But there is one conversation that keeps echoing in my head...

How is your speech developing? Why can't you say this word, when I just heard another baby say the same thing last month? Oh, you just said this word... I haven't heard someone else's baby utter the same thing have I?

You see, one of the most apparent signs of a baby's intellectual development is speech, and we celebrate the gift of speech exceedingly. "Ohhh... my little girl can form a sentence before that other little boy. Isn't she clever?"

And it doesn't stop - ever. Even at my ripe old age, people like me at work are constantly celebrating and comparing - the gift of the gab.

But today, I had a thought that just blew me away.

You listen. My dear daughter, you have an amazing ability to listen.

I recall the deep solemn look in your eyes that I see every time mama and I speak to you. And how we're often surprised by how much you seem to understand about the world, and about our lives. You seem to remember the simple instructions we give in passing. You seem to know exactly how we're feeling, and you laugh or cry when we speak of joy and sadness.

We live in a world where everyone talks and few people listen. And I was going to perpetuate that, by believing that the greatest indication of your ability to communicate - was the sheer number of words coming out of your mouth. I was going to think the best thing you can do, to validate your existence - is to talk.

Until today.

Today I realize what a wonderful communicator you are, in the way that you listen deeply and solemnly (emphasis mine) when everyone else around you is talking."

You see - when we are content with ourselves and we stop comparing, not only are we happier and glorify God, but we start to see a new beauty in ourselves that we otherwise won't notice. And so I am learning, to stop comparing and find peace and joy in what I have.

"One of the biggest gifts we can give our children -- other than our unconditional love -- is not comparing them to others." - Carolyn Henderson

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Mother's Love

Anyone wants a job such as this? A job that requires one to multi-task, constantly exert yourself, stand all day long, no break, no vacation, and no pay? Watch this video (until the end). I guarantee it will be worth your 4 minutes. :)

Thank you, Mommy, for everything that you do!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Treating Ear Infection Naturally

My baby caught her first ear infection when she was eleven months old, along with cough and flu. At the time I knew just enough to treat her cough and cold naturally, but not ear infections. I didn't know what caused it, the risks, and how severe it could be. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic for the ear infection and I gave in because I didn't know any better, despite trying to avoid antibiotics as much as I can.

There can be three causes to ear infections: 
1. Bacterial (which, theoretically, antibiotics can help)
2. Viral (which antibiotics will not help)
3. Allergen-induced

How to Treat Ear Infections Naturally

The problem is that it's not easy for doctors to diagnose the cause of most ear infections and so they commonly prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics are hard on our bodySo far my little one hasn't had another ear infection, but I was determined to find a few natural alternative remedies in case it strikes again. Hopefully you will find this list useful if you're ever faced with one.

- Grapefruit Seed ExtractMix a few drops in a small amount of plain water and put a few drops in the ears. One application usually relieves the pain. Nutribiotic sells ear drops made of grapefruit seed extract mixed with tea tree oil. Two drops in the ears two times a day.

- Onions. Onions are a
nti-inflammatory and have an amazing drawing power. You can do it in two ways:

1. Cut an onion in half and take out a couple of layers inside so that you have a nice hole in the middle of the onion. Heat the onion in a toaster until it is just warm. Stick the onion directly over the ear. Keep the onions on for at least 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes each time, until ear ache is gone.

2. Heat chopped onion that is covered with olive oil in a small saucepan for about twenty minutes on low. Let cool. Strain and use a couple drops of the oil in the ears.

- Ginger. Ginger is anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Grate ginger finely and squeeze the juice mixed with a small amount of olive oil. A few drops in the ears a few times a day.

- Colloidal Silver. It is a natural antibiotic which has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. 
Two drops in the ears two times a day. 

- Activated Charcoal. Activated charcoal removes toxins by binding other substances to its surface and absorbs thousands of times its own weightYou can do it in two ways:

1. Add some water to make an activated charcoal poultice and put a couple of drops in the ears. 

2. Put the activated charcoal powder directly into the ears. Lay your head on one side so that you get a straight shot into the ear lobes. Note that your ears will be black for a few days.

- Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils. They are anti-septic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial in nature. Put one drop each behind or in front of the ears.

PeroxideTwo drops in the ears two times a day. Caution - Only use this if the eardrum is healthy.

Breastmilk. A few drops of breastmilk can speed up the healing process of ear infection. Although it may sound funny, it doesn't hurt to try if you're running out of options. 


- Before putting any drops in the ears, test on a the skin elsewhere first for possible allergic reaction.
If the ear infection is allergen-induced, then you will want to address the root cause of the allergy, not just the ear infection.
When dealing with natural remedies for ear infection, it is best to treat both
ears, not just the one that is causing the pain.

I do understand and remember that as much as I would like to heal illnesses naturally, there are cases where I can't or it's not possible and we need to turn to conventional medicine. My job is to be informed and do the best I can with the natural resources God gives me and then be willing to allow Him to direct us toward other help if that is necessary.

How have you tried to heal ear infections naturally?
Disclaimer: I am not a certified or a licensed medical practitioner who can counsel anyone in medical issues and cannot be held responsible for any decision you make regarding your health. This compilation is based on my own research and other people's testimonials. What works for them may not work for everyone and I encourage you to do further research or ask your doctors whenever you're in doubt.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.